Wednesday, May 06, 2009

This morning when i read the newspaper, the first thing i saw was that this lady in her early 30's died with her unborn child. Yes, her unborn child. I can't remember how many months she was pregnant. But yeah, she was pull off her bike by snatch thieves. I seriously cannot imagine what it is like for her husband. It is said that his previous wife died which was 5 years ago and now when he found happiness. He lost it. You fucking idiots are fucking heartless and fucking mindless. I don't get it. You are willing to take a life of another for a couple of bucks? I'm not saying this is better but even if they were to threaten with a weapon or what so ever to get that few bucks then it's better than killing.

It actually made me think back about half a year ago when I was waiting for the people to finish washing my car just outside my place. This motorcycle came in a quickly did a u-turn and tried to grab my stuff. They grabbed my shirt guessing they missed my stuff cause i was carrying it in hand. I eventually realized and tried to pull one of them of the bike. I swear if I did manage to I would beat living hell of of him till I'm forced to stop. This has also happen to people i care about. Really, I pity you people who would do this kind of things.

Anyways, i got a 3 hour talk tomorrow. Joy. Night people.


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