Thursday, March 15, 2007

metaphoric lie

he woke up today... thought that it is time for his life to turn around... he smiled to his mummy early in the morning... they took a drive down town.. hoping that everything will trun out alright... while we were waiting for the results... the lady that was on the counter rejected his request... he can't help but to start questioning his ownself... why? the only question was why.. haven't i gave you enough proof that i deserve my visa? he hold in his tears as much as he can... mummy was really dissapointed and so was the son... he really thought that it is time to start a new life over there... he really couldn't wait to get out of here... even his aunt and uncle could not believe it... they prepared a room for him... it was really beautiful... all his life he never thought that he would get this chance get out of this country... he was so excited to go... though he didn't really know what he wanted to do there... after months of working morning till night... 10 to 9.. saving all the money he could get... and now his dream of getting out of this country.. the adredeline rush he had to see something new was all crushed down... just like that... when he reached home.. he got down the car and just took off... he was at the back alley near his house.. tearing and smoking.. he called his pet brother... crying.. he also left both of his jobs.. he called his ex girlfriend.. though maybe she doesnt want to see his fucked up face anymore.. he really didnt know who he could go to.. the love he has for her is still there.. thinking maybe she could comfort him a little.. it didn't help.. he called his younger sis.. his older sis.. they were there for him.. but the spirit left in him has just faded away... he sat down a think carefully.. what has become of him and what has happend to his life.. he lost a person that he loved so much.. because he was fucked up.. if there was something.. someone or anything that would ask him to pay a price of any cost to get her back.. he definately would... he lost his chance of getting a new life and future.. but people that loved him so much.. told him.. maybe its not time for you to go... maybe there is something here for you before you go... and they told him that it will take much more than that to bring me down.. he got up on his feet.. and he started a new life.. here.. in this very country... another six months.. and he will give it one more try... he thanks all those who have been there for him.. even though when he was so screwed up.. he wants them to more he love them from the bottom of his heart...


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