...Ish salon's annual dinner @ twenty-one
New life by the quarter mile.
alrite. so the satria gti didn't work out. there was the loan problem. and the car is more than 6 years old. risk of getting a blown engine and bla bla bla bla. not recomended for a first car. so this is what i plan to get. hopefully by january next year. kinda similar from what i wanted. still a satria. this is probably like the safest way to not slaugther my wallet/bank but can take me from A to B.

Death awaits. NOT.
Me and matt was 3 seconds away from death yesterday.I can't believe i'm still standing.
me, matt, weng, lex and kiki went up to gentings just for the fun of it. and it was my first time driving up there. we nearly crashed during the first corner. hehe.
this is the car that i choked to get us up there.
ohhh.. the cannons.
i don't know if it was me. but it was freezing.

kiki. being all fa hao.
alex and matt. and matt being matt.

the mean lil girl that backstabbed celcom.
lex. with cars as usual.
matt and weng.
matt, weng and me.